Senin, 26 September 2011

New lessons : Deutsch (1)

 This is one of my activity during Fast track scholarship program. I learn national language of germany as preparation if i pass the selection and continue  my doctoral program in Germany (Amiinnnn :D). Taking course in CLC (Center of Laguage and Culture) ITS, my first class was inFriday, September 23rd 2011. There were 15 students registered in my class, but in first meeting only 5 students presents (including me). Hmm, where is the others? i dont know :p.
First lesson was about erste kontakte or or first contact. We learned how to make interaction with a person or peoples in the first time. It was like english subject during elementary school. For your information, my lecturer said that German usually introduce him/herself first before asking the others. Fundamental factor in erste kontakte was kennenternen or knowing internal, consist of begrüßung, name, herkunft, and wohnort
Now, i will explain each part (i hope you understand it well, because i still need learn much, hehe) . Some example of each part are given below :

A.   Begrüßung (means welcome) :
1.   Guten morgen!     : Good morning!
2.   Guten tag!             : Good afternoon!
3.   Guten abend!       : Good evening!
4.   Guten nacht!          : Good night!
5.   Hallo!                    : Hello!
6.   Hi!

B. Name (similiar with english, also means name)
-Frage (to ask someones name)
1.   Wie heißen sie?  
2.   Wie ist ihr name?           
(Both means : whats your name?)
3.  Wer ist das?                      : Who is that?
- Einführen (introduce)
1.   Ich bin... (name)
2.   Ich heiße... (name)
3.   Mein name ist....(name)

C. Herkunft (origin)
1.   Woher kommen sie?  : Where do you come from?
-Antwort (Answer)
1.   Ich come aus...(place, country, city, or town) : I come from...

D. Wohnort (domicile)
1.  Wo wohnen sie?         : Where do you live?
1.  Ich wohne in...(place, country, city, or town) : I live in...

       Next lesson is about Alphabets and how to pronounce it. Well, it is not difficult to understand because German pronounce is similiar with indonesian. Only few letters has different pronouncations. In additions, there are some new letters such as Ü and ß.  Letter in german and how to pronounce it (based on indonesian pronouncations)
Aa       (a)
Bb       (be)
Cc       (ce)
Dd       (de)
Ee        (e)
Ff        (ef)
Gg       (ge)
Hh       (ha)
Ii          (i)
Jj         (jot)
Kk       (ka)
Ll        (el)
Mm                 (em)
Nn       (en)
Oo       (o)
Pp        (pe)
Qq       (qu)
Rr        (err  - in german tounge ‘r’ is not clearly pronounced)
Ss        (es, but pronounce ez in initial words)
Tt        (te)
Uu       (u)
Vv       (vau)
Ww     (we)
Xx       (iks)
Yy       (ypsilon)
Zz        (zet but similiar with cet)

additional letters :
Üü       (u umlaut - pronounce like lips shape of ‘u’, but the sound is ‘i’)
Ää       (a umlaut – pronounce e, which the sound is like indonesian read ‘bebek’
Öö       (o umlaut - pronounce like lips shape of ‘o’, but the sound is ‘e’)
ß          (ss)
ei         (ai)
eu        (oi)
scn      (sy)

A    : Gutten tag, wie ist ihr name?             (Good afternoon, what’s your name?)
B    : Mein name ist Schmidt                                  (My name is schmidt)
A    : Buchstabieren sie, bitte?                               (Spell it please?)
B    : S-C-H-M-I-D-T          

Well thats all that i can share to you today, my next meeting will be in Wednesday, September 28th. I hope its can help you to learn german, hehe.. Thank you and Auf wiedersehen!! hehee :D

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